"Would You Let Me See the World Behind Your Eyes?"

"Would You Let Me See the World Behind Your Eyes?"
-- Jon Foreman --

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb..."

The first book in the series is Twilight. It is about a girl, Bella, who moves to Forks to live with her dad. On her first day at school she sees the Cullens, an impossibly gorgeous family. Edward, the youngest of the boys, is in her biology class and initially she thinks hates her. Eventually she finds out that Edward is a vampire and that her blood has the strongest pull than any other humans; to Edward, at least. But despite the difficulties, they fall in love and plan to live with each other forever. The Cullen family are "vegitarians" and don't drink human blood. They only feed on animal blood, which is like a human living only on tofu. Doesn't sound to appetizing, does it? Although they refrain themselves to sticking strictly to animal's blood, it is very challenging for them to refrain. The closer Edward gets to Bella, the harder it is for him not to kill her. Their love is tested when one day the Cullens and Bella come across a vampire coven. These vampire aren't like the Cullen, they feed on humans. All of a sudden, the hunt is on. The leader, James, is what they call a tracker. He begins to track Bella and the Cullens do everything they can to stop him. When Bella fears that James has her mother, she rushes off to meet James in hopes of saving her; which turns out to be a trick, because James never had her mother. Edward ends up saving Bella and their love becomes stronger. The book ends with Edward taking Bella to a torturous event, at least that's how Bella thinks of it, PROM! At prom Bella tells Edward, once again, how much she wants to be one of his family. Edward, not wanting to take away her soul and chance at heaven, does not give in to her...yet.

My favorite part of this book would have to be the Port Angeles scene. This is where Bella figures out everything about Edward, even though she kinda knew already. I love this part, because it shows the start of Edward and Bella beginning to trust one another and putting their fate in each others hands. Also, the diner scene is hilarious when Edward completely ignores the hostess and waitress flirting with him and directs all his attention towards Bella. My favorite lines are these..

"No. Nothing fit. Most of it was kind of silly. And then..." --Bella

"What?" --Edward

"I decided it didn't matter." --Bella

"It didn't matter?" --Edward

"No. It doesn't matter to me what you are." --Bella

"You don't care if I'm a monster? If I'm not human?" --Edward

"No" --Bella

I love when they have this conversation, because it shows that Bella is determined and isn't going to let anything stop her. The only problem that has the potential of stopping Bella and Edward is the fact that Edward is a vampire. That's what the whole story focuses on and in this particular scene the two show that they won't let that stop them. I think it shows their true love for each other. 

Another one of my favorite parts is the meadow scene, which is probably a lot of people's favorite! It's when Bella and Edward officially claim their feelings for one another. This is also where Edward shows how dangerous he can be and why it's dangerous for them to be with each. Like that could stop Bella. Probably the most important thing that went on during this part was at the end (ahem... something the movie got totally wrong!) they share their first kiss!! Yayyy! That was definitely a turning point in the book. Finally, after all the mixed signals, they are officially together and really plan to spend the rest of forever with each other. 

So there is a summary and some of my favorite moments in the first book, Twilight :) Stay tuned, because my next blog will be about the second book, New Moon. And trust me, you'll wanna read that one. I have A LOT to say about it, more like a lot of complains. Hahaha.. I'm such a whiner. 

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Let's Talk New Moon!

Hello :)

So, about the second movie, New Moon, of the Twilight series.. They are officially gonna film it. Yay! There is one draw back though... Catherine Hardwick, the director of Twilight, isn't going to direct the second one. I feel like this is going to end horribly. This is exactly what happened to Harry Potter. Chris Columbus directed the first two Harry Potter's and then they got a new director and the movies went downhill from there. Basically, they were lucky that the first Harry Potters were so good, otherwise the fall would have been a little bit worse than it had been. But, back to the movie. Hopefully the new director, Chris Weitz, will stick to the traditions that Catherine Hardwick created. I do think, however, that they are going to run into some problems once they start filming. These problems with come from the important factor that they didn't include in the first movie.

In the first movie, something important that they missed was the fact that Edward never said "I love you."!!! How bad is that? That's kind of the most important phrase of the entire movie/book. It's the set up for what happens in New Moon! Neither Bella or Edward said it. At the end of the second book, when Edward is back, he says "How you could believe me? After all the thousand times I've told you I love you, how could you let one word break your faith in me?" How is he suppose to say that now?! He can't. "I love you" was said many times throughout the book and the grand total of the phrase in the movie is a big, fat zero. With the absence of it from the movie, the people who just saw the movie and didn't read the books don't quite have the full knowledge of how in love Edward and Bella are. By the end of Twilight you are suppose to realize that Edward and Bella are planning to be together for as long as they live. You don't quite get this from the movie. Yea, sure, you see that they like each other and care for one another, but you don't see the true love that's there. At the end of the movie they are looked upon as "a couple", but at the end of the book you see that they are "soul mates", not just boyfriend and girlfriend. They definitely could have done a better job developing the relationship between Edward and Bella in the movie.

Well, time to go to bed. Goodnight :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

ya i dont know

This is a blog for the overly-obsessive twilight lovers. I could go on and on about Twilight, so in this blog that's exactly what I am going to do. I am going to talk about Edward Cullen (ahem.. my boyfriend), I'll share my thoughts on events that went on, and I'll talk about the movie and movies to come. The first movie, Twilight, recently came out in theaters and there are three more to come, hopefully. I will talk about what I thought of the movies and what I think they could have done differently. I'm one of those picky people when it come to people making a movie from a book. In my opinion, if you are going to make a movie from a book it better be darn close to the events that happen in the book. So I'll probably end up rambling on and on about the differences between the books and the movies.