"Would You Let Me See the World Behind Your Eyes?"

"Would You Let Me See the World Behind Your Eyes?"
-- Jon Foreman --

Monday, January 12, 2009

Just A Little Update..

Before I go on with my thoughts on Eclipse, there are announcements..

The official DVD release date is March 21st! Yay! I am so excited and can not wait to get it. It will become one of my few prize possessions. On the opening midnight show of Twilight I went with my friends Caitlin, Maddi, and Cathy. During complete random parts of the movie, like every time Edward would say something, people would clap or cheer or say "Awwww, so cute!". SOOO, because of this I am excited to watch the movie...alone...in silence! The special edition DVD comes with interviews and never before seen deleted scenes.

Another good news announcement is that Taylor Lautner will be coming back to play Jacob Black once again. It was rumored that he was not going to continue the role, but it is official that he will be showing his adorable face once again. The cast is on their way, working hard to finish another Twilight Series film and it will be exciting to see how it turns out in comparison to the first movie.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Characters.

As I was writing my last blog I realized that maybe some of you don't know who I am talking about. So, for those of you who haven't read these books (which is a shame on you! If you haven't, I expect you to go out and get the books immediately) I will briefly let you in on it.

The main character is Bella Swan. She is the most interesting character I have ever come across in my reading career. Bella moves to Forks, Washington to live with her dad, which is a self sacrifice toward her self. She is the type of person that puts everyone else before actually thinking of herself. Her mom wants to travel with her husband, but doesn't so she can stay with Bella and so she leaves to spend quality time with her dad and lets her mom travel. The way Bella's mind thinks is so different that it is very refreshing.

Edward is the another important character. Without him, Bella would have been smashed by the van in Twilight and this story would never have taken place (read Twilight to understand). Edward is a very deep person and has been waiting for 100 years for his true love. His true love comes in the form of none other than, Bella! Edward goes through many mental struggles between right and wrong throughout the series. These struggles are very interesting to follow.

The Vamps. Edward's family, created by Carlisle Cullen, is a group of "vegetarian" vampires. Carlisle made them and taught they from the beginning of their new lives to live off of only animal blood. From newest to oldest (counting from when they entered the Cullen family) are Jasper and Alice, Emmett, Rosalie, Esme, Edward, and Carlisle. Periodically throughout the books you get to hear each of their background stories. I think it is amazing how Stephenie Meyer came up with each unique background story.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

"It will be as if I never existed.."

New Moon, the sequel to Twilight, was definitely not my favorite book in the series. After reading Twilight, I was hooked on it and basically spent all my time fantasizing about it. When I first started reading these books the first three books were already out. I was on vacation in Arizona visiting all of my family and was way too bored for my own good, so I went to the book store to pick out a book to get me through the weeks. Little did I know that I would be picking out the book that would become a part of my life! When I finished the first book (only two days later), I rushed back to the book store to get the second. I had to wait a whole day just to dig into it, because it was Thanksgiving and we do a lot of family games and cooking on that day. It felt like a million years! During the time that I was just dying to get started, I simply couldn't wait to find out what happened next. I wanted to find out where Edward and Bella's relationship was going and what they would do next...together. Well, unfortunately for me, this didn't happen.

The beginning of the book is great and picked right back up where it was left off. It is getting close to Bella's birthday, which is not an intriguing idea for Bella who doesn't want to get older than her 17 year old, immortal boyfriend. She doesn't let anyone give her any attention on her birthday, although Alice does intend on throwing a little get together that night. A little get together as in, the Cullens and Bella. Before the "party", Bella and Edward watch Romeo & Juliet, which is one of my favorite parts considering I have an unhealthy addiction for Romeo & Juliet. I watch the movies a lot and read it when I'm not reading anything else. I love when Edward whispers Romeo's lines into Bella's ears. At the party Bella accidentally gives herself a paper cut and that sets Jasper, Edward's brother, off in a vampire frenzy. Thinking that he is constantly putting Bella into life-threatening danger by being with her, he LEAVES HER! My mouth literally dropped at this pointed and I almost started crying. 

Because of Edward's absence, Bella grows a very close bond to Jacob. Jacob becomes Bella's best friend and pulls her out of her zombie presence. Jacob and Bella's relationship grows quite strong, but is looked at differently between the two of them. To Bella, Jacob is her best friend and she loves him like a brother. To Jacob, Bella is his best friend and the love of his life. Their friendship is tested when Jacob begins to ignore her, but it is later revived when Bella finally understands that Jacob is a werewolf. What a strange world! Bella is definitely not in Kansas anymore!

In the end, Bella saves Edward from a horrible ending and they are back together at last. But this isn't quite a fairytale ending yet.. When Edward left, he left Bella broken and Jacob was the one to fix her up again. Bella's needs for both Edward and Jacob are strong but she finds that she can not have the cake and eat it too seeing that Edward and Jacob are natural enemies. Bella is left to choose between her best friend, that she most desperately needs, and her boyfriend who she realizes she can't live without. This is all left for us to figure out in the third book, Eclipse..