"Would You Let Me See the World Behind Your Eyes?"

"Would You Let Me See the World Behind Your Eyes?"
-- Jon Foreman --

Monday, January 12, 2009

Just A Little Update..

Before I go on with my thoughts on Eclipse, there are announcements..

The official DVD release date is March 21st! Yay! I am so excited and can not wait to get it. It will become one of my few prize possessions. On the opening midnight show of Twilight I went with my friends Caitlin, Maddi, and Cathy. During complete random parts of the movie, like every time Edward would say something, people would clap or cheer or say "Awwww, so cute!". SOOO, because of this I am excited to watch the movie...alone...in silence! The special edition DVD comes with interviews and never before seen deleted scenes.

Another good news announcement is that Taylor Lautner will be coming back to play Jacob Black once again. It was rumored that he was not going to continue the role, but it is official that he will be showing his adorable face once again. The cast is on their way, working hard to finish another Twilight Series film and it will be exciting to see how it turns out in comparison to the first movie.


Mr. Ayers said...

So, should I see this movie when it comes out on DVD? Or should I wait until I get a chance to read the book? That might be a while...

Hello=) said...

Definitely read the books first. You'll ruin it for yourself if you don't.