"Would You Let Me See the World Behind Your Eyes?"

"Would You Let Me See the World Behind Your Eyes?"
-- Jon Foreman --

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Rain, Rain Go Away.

So let's look at last week compared to this weekend.. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were all perfectly sunny and gorgeous outside then we got to the weekend and it got all rainy and freezing. What is up with that? I would rather it be the other way around!! Friday I was getting really excited for the weekend, because I was thinking about how I had to be outside all day Saturday and I was gonna get a tan, but no. Instead the day I was outside all day, it was rainy and really cold. I pretty much froze out on the soccer field on saturday. There were two soccer games and two baseball games that I went to watch and it was cold. The good news is that the boy's soccer team won both games :). Both games were really exciting. The first game was against Cedar Falls and they beat them 3-2 in over time. The second was against Xavier. That game went into sudden death PK shootout. The boys definitely pulled through and beat the Saints, so in a small way it was worth it to be out in the cold. 

This week it looks like it is gonna be raining some more, unfortunately, but this weekend is suppose to be sunny and beautiful out. Let's just hope the weather people don't get it wrong. We need a sunny, warm weekend!!

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