"Would You Let Me See the World Behind Your Eyes?"

"Would You Let Me See the World Behind Your Eyes?"
-- Jon Foreman --

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Prom :)

So this weekend is prom! It's gonna be super fun, but also super tiring. I am really excited, because I love dances and getting all dressed up for them. I'm not so excited for grand march, though, because I am kind of a clutz and could totally see myself taking a spill. Hopefully that won't happen, but it would be a funny story. Saturday I am going to be running around everywhere. I have to get my hair done and my make-up. Then I have pictures at 4 and dinner at 5:15. After that is grand march and then the best part, the dance! It's gonna be kind of weird at first, because I am not going to my own school's, but I know a lot of people at this school so it should be a good time. After the dance my whole group is going to post prom together. I was talking to my friend and she said that we are gonna stay at post prom the whole time; it goes until 4. Kill me! I think post prom will be fun, but also super draining I'm pretty sure after that we are just going to go back and crash at her house, because we will probably be so tired that we won't be able to do anything else. I was suppose to get up on Sunday and go out to eat with my family at 8, but I have a feeling that won't be happening. I am going to most likely end up sleeping the whole day. I am kind of sad to be missing my own school's grand march, because I was so excited to see how gorgeous all my friends were going to look, but at least there will be plenty of pictures. I will probably spend all of Sunday putting up pictures and looking through everyones. Everyone will look amazing in their pictures and it'll be a good way to spend a boring Sunday.

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