"Would You Let Me See the World Behind Your Eyes?"

"Would You Let Me See the World Behind Your Eyes?"
-- Jon Foreman --

Thursday, May 14, 2009

So, tonight is the Going Out Concert for show choir. It's going to be really sad, because it's finally the end of the '08-'09 season and we have to say goodbye to around 30 seniors. That is so many! I have made friend with so many of the seniors and you really grow close during show choir, and it's going to be weird saying goodbye. Tonight, all three groups will perform their show one last time and then we recognize all the seniors and then it turns into a big cry fest. I was thinking about going out to the soccer game when we got done, but I don't think I will because my make-up will be all smeared and gross from crying.

On Friday is the end of the season party for show choir and it will be awesome. We are going to play the DVDs from our season and it will be fun to see how we looked at the beginning and at the end. We have improved so much and look so good now. After the party, I am going to a friend's birthday party with some show choir friends and that will be extremely fun. A bunch of my friends are going and he has an indoor pool. I haven't swam in forever! I don't know if I'm ready for swimsuit season though. It will be a good night, because his parties are always a blast. Then afterwards some show choir people are coming back to my house for a sleepover. Our sleepovers are always crazy and we turn psycho when we get together. We take crazy pictures and hilarious videos. I love them! The only bad part is I will be tired on Saturday and I can't be because I'll be running around till 4 in the morning on Sunday. Seriously, if I'm not at school on Monday it will be because I died from tiredness.

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