"Would You Let Me See the World Behind Your Eyes?"

"Would You Let Me See the World Behind Your Eyes?"
-- Jon Foreman --

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Wow. school is stressful. The year is so close to being over, I can't concentrate, and yet I am still learning and getting homework and it's getting so hard to stay focused. So I'm going on a three week road trip vacation for the first part of July and I don't know how excited I am for that. It would so long and I love just staying here and chilling with my friends. Last year I didn't really go anywhere for summer and I got into this awesome routine. I went over to my friend from Linn-Mar's house everyday and just hung out, and then at night we went out and just found a bonfire to go to or just messed around. If you put your mind to it there is always something to do. We would always say "Only boring people get bored". It was amazing, because we were seriously never bored. If there wasn't anything to do in Cedar Rapids, we took a road trip to Mt. Vernon or Iowa City. No matter what there was always something to do. I can not wait for this summer because I hope it will be just like last summer.

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