"Would You Let Me See the World Behind Your Eyes?"

"Would You Let Me See the World Behind Your Eyes?"
-- Jon Foreman --

Friday, May 8, 2009

The year is finally coming to an end..

I am really starting to be able to tell that the year is coming to an end. We're kind of wrapping things up in classes and there are a lot of final things going on. Last night we had our final choir concert, it was kind of sad to see the seniors get their roses and walk across the stage. It'll be weird next year not having them in choir and seeing them everyday. This saturday we have a competition for choir and it will be the last time they will sing with the kennedy choir. Graduation is creeping towards us and I am having to start thinking about when all the graduation parties are, and which ones I am going to attend. Next thursday is the going out concert for show choir and it will be really sad to see the seniors go the. You get so close to everyone in show choir, because you are always with them during the season. You spend a lot of time with them. At competitions you are with them all day, because we arrive at school at about 4 in the morning and get back at 1 the next morning. You constantly see each other and you grow as a family and it will be so sad to see them "graduate" from show choir and know next year won't be the same. It will also be sad, because it will be all of our last time performing our show. In some ways, though, it's kind of exciting to see one season end and to know that soon another one will begin. The next season starts with camp in July so I will be really excited for that.

I am really relieved that the summer is getting really close. School really starts to become a drag and I really need a break. It is showing in my school work and in my attitude towards school. I really need summer to be here. All I think about now a days is what summer activities are in store for me and I can not wait!!

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